Lesson two (Jan 30th) we were asked to meet in the library located on the 2nd floor of the Britannia Mill building on Macworth Road. I entered the building via the new entrance, walked down a few corridors and found the stairwell at the far end of the building.

As soon you enter the library you’re hit by that musty smell of decaying books. I was eager to find the Photography section and as I walked along the creaky floor I found the main book area. I ran my fingers across the spines, scanning for familiar authors; Eugène Atget, Bernice Abbot and Ansel Adams were all names of photographers I recognised from studying at college a few years ago.

Other students arrived, shortly followed by David our tutor. He gave us a detailed tour of the libraries facilities and resources available to us throughout the duration of our course.

David explained the differences between books, journals and reference material available for loan either for just one day for restricted items, two days, one week or the standard three weeks for other items. Reference copy books cannot be taken from the library at all.

You can borrow as many as twelve items at a time, plus additional e-books and online material. By logging onto derby.ac.uk/library, using your student ID number items can be reserved for collection and loaned items can be renewed up to 10 times. You can visit the other libraries at Kedleston Road, Derby and the Devonshire in Buxton and access their resources, items can be sent to Britannia Mill.

Books are stored in a decimal point number order – PRISM gives you the decimal shelf mark number of the book which corresponds to the labels on the shelves (from library guide) e.g. Photography related items are numbered 770… Still photography and film/movie making material are kept in the main book area while post production material such as Photoshop software guides are kept close to the restricted reference items.

After a brief introduction with the Library’s staff at the main counter we made our way to the self-service machines. On the occasion that the staff aren’t available, the machines allow you to book your items in and out by scanning them, along with your student ID card. Brilliant!

On the right hand side just through a set of double doors leading into the other half of the library – the way I came in via the back staircase, I was pleasantly surprised to see locked away in a glass cabinet, a collection of old and rare books and journals by artists too delicate and valuable to be taken away but with the library’s permission you can read through them on site.

The library supports subjects in Art, Design and Technology, Education, Health and Science and in this area you can find a lot of free print-outs of ‘How to…’ booklets on just about anything to help you with your course – ‘How to write an essay’ might come in handy!

The library holds a journal collection and current journals and magazines including Photographer Monthly and Grand Designs are available for reference. Quiet study rooms are available for working in groups. Computers, laptops, scanners and printers are available for use as a student. Photocopiers can be used by purchasing a photocopy card from the main counter.

After our tour of the library we were asked to each choose a couple of books by photographers we knew little or nothing about. One of the books I picked up was ‘I’ll Be Your Mirror’ by Nan Goldin. All I knew of Goldin was she’s an American photographer that photographed people! I totally underestimated her… I spent days looking at the hundreds images in the book; In short the snapshots are a record of Nan’s daily life through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. The condition of being human and the ability to survive and how difficult that is.

See more here: http://www.derby.ac.uk/files/a_guide_to_services_available3.pdf

Opening times (Term time only)

  • Monday-Thursday: 8.30am-9.00pm
  • Friday: 8.30am-6.00pm
  • Saturday: 10.00am-5.00pm
  • Sunday: 1.00pm-5.00pm